Evropeyskiy Passazh, тц

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European, European shopping arcade, fashion clothing, footwear, women's clothing, men's clothing. Rent of retail space, rent of commercial premises in shopping centers, large shopping centers, a boutique, a boutique in Russian, household chemicals, a store in Russian, a supermarket store.

Extended information

  • Ran­de­vu
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Women's and men's shoes from Europe
    № ис 404
  • Evropeyskiy
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Shoes, bags from Italy
    1 floor
  • Sovusha
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00
    Sowusha - a network of lingerie and bedding stores.
  • Tan­dem
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Women's Clothing
    № ис 201
    access_time Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun
    Производство строительно-отделочных материалов из древесно-полимерного композита. ДПК. Террасная доска. Декоративные ограждения. Фасадные системы. Комплектующие.
  • Love Republic
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Women's Clothing
  • Cinnabon
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-21:00
    Cinnabon is the world-famous brand of the most delicious buns with cinnamon, and now also cakes
  • Smeshariki
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Games, toys for children
    № ис 605
  • Lovelock
    access_time Everyday, 09:00-18:00
    Wedding Castle, castle of love, castle for the wedding. Castle for lovers. Sold as: a gift for lovers, wedding paraphernalia; Wedding accessory; Wedding gift; A gift on a special day; A romantic gift; A gift for a couple; Present for the wedding; A romantic gift;
  • Medical Fox
    access_time Everyday, 11:00-18:00
    Продажа медицинской одежды Филиал находится в ТЦ "Европейский пассаж".
    6 floor

Learn more

General information

  • Своя парковка
  • Free Wi-Fi


  • Payment method

Shopping center

  • Shopping mall
  • Presence of a supermarket
  • Restaurants and cafes
    cafe / ice cream and sweets / coffee-point
  • Shopping centre
    ATMs / payment terminal


  • Type of shops
    clothes / clothes / clothes for men / women's clothes / denim and everyday wear / children's clothing / fur and leather clothes / footwear / leather goods, bags, suitcases / linen, sleepwear, bathing suits / clothes for sports and rest / furniture / cell phones / jewellery and watch / gifts and flowers / games and toys / boutique / designer clothing

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