Evropeyskiy Passazh, тц

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European, European shopping arcade, fashion clothing, footwear, women's clothing, men's clothing. Rent of retail space, rent of commercial premises in shopping centers, large shopping centers, a boutique, a boutique in Russian, household chemicals, a store in Russian, a supermarket store.

Extended information

  • Yuve­lir­naya Im­pe­riya
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Jewelry store in Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory
    № ис 102
  • Riggi
    access_time 10:00 до 18:00
    The company store Riggi. Men's clothing and accessories.
  • Vostok Dekor
    access_time Mon-Sun, 10:00-20:00; closed in Sat, Sun
    Electric fireplaces. Accessories for fireplaces. Convectors. Cleaners, humidifiers. Mobile air conditioners
  • Luxe
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00
    Jewelery; Repair, making jewelry. Gold, silver, souvenirs.
  • Iddi
    access_time Mon-Sun, 10:00-20:00
    Iddi - the first in the city corner SOHO shoes and accessories such well-known delusions as Tommi Hilfiger, Marc O`Polo, Gant, Fossil, Napapijri. In our salon you will find a wide choice of models of American and European brands. Salon Iddi - it's shoes and accessories in the best traditions of urban fashion
    4 floor
  • Ran­de­vu
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Women's and men's shoes from Europe
    № ис 404
  • Broadway
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Men's and women's shoes
    № ис 607
  • Smeshariki
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Games, toys for children
    № ис 605
  • Stilnaya Shtuchka
    access_time Everyday, 11:00-19:00. By appointment 10:00-20:00
    Evening Fashion Salon Stylish Stash offers evening dresses, prom dresses, practical wedding dresses, cocktail dresses, smart corsets, short and long evening dresses for practical brides and their girlfriends, evening dresses on corsets.
    6 floor
  • Caramelle
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-20:00
    Italian women's clothing.
    3 floor

Learn more

General information

  • Своя парковка
  • Free Wi-Fi


  • Payment method

Shopping center

  • Shopping mall
  • Presence of a supermarket
  • Restaurants and cafes
    cafe / ice cream and sweets / coffee-point
  • Shopping centre
    ATMs / payment terminal


  • Type of shops
    clothes / clothes / clothes for men / women's clothes / denim and everyday wear / children's clothing / fur and leather clothes / footwear / leather goods, bags, suitcases / linen, sleepwear, bathing suits / clothes for sports and rest / furniture / cell phones / jewellery and watch / gifts and flowers / games and toys / boutique / designer clothing

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